2 June, 2024 | stalose.com

Stalose Zprávy | V Číně přituhuje. Silná dezinfekce měst, některé domy policisté zapečeťují, lidé se nemohou dostat ven

We’re clearly being lied to, wtf is going on in China #coronavirus pic​.twit​ter​.com/​i​o​r​X​Q​De8Cw

— Thomas Sutherland (@Tssomas) February 7, 2020

The sprinkle battalion is back on the streets of Wuhan, China. Night after night and more trucks than ever before. #coronavirus pic​.twit​ter​.com/​N​e​d​T​5​5hxSQ

— Max Howroute▫️ (@howroute) February 8, 2020

Chinese medical workers are sealing another apartment building due to #coronavirus quarantine. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​k​W​8​U​b​HWeZb

— Max Howroute▫️ (@howroute) February 8, 2020

#China is in crisis mode, doing everything and anything to prevent the spread of #coronavirus. Containment measures now cover 27 quarantined cities and 140 million people, that is twice the population of the UK.

Nothing more serious than the flu. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​b​j​q​O​9​GVvGw

— Darren of Plymouth
